Be Safe this Winter
Winter in New Brunswick is a great time of year. Everything is covered in a nice blanket of snow, the skiis, skates, snowmobiles, and snowshoes come out of storage for another year of fun in the white stuff.
However driving in winter conditions is not fun and can be very dangerous. Here are a few tips that can help you decrease your chances of getting into trouble this winter.
Snowplow Safety
Be patient and keep a safe distance when driving behind working snowplows
Don't crowd the snowplow
Don't drive beside the snowplow
Be aware of reduced visibility around snowplows
Do not pass snowplows
Understand when a snowplow driver can see you? See the diagram to the right.
Leave room for maintenance vehicles and workers
Winter Driving Safety Tips
Prepare your vehicle for winter - install snow tires, check fluid levels, battery, lights, anitfreeze, wiper blades and washer fluid
Keep your gas tank full - this will minimize moisture in the tank but also give you an advantage in case of trouble
Keep supplies on hand, such as blankets, booster cables, snow shovel, ice scraper, some high calorie foods, sand, flashlight, and flares.
Clear snow and ice from your vehicle - roof, windows, mirrors, lights
Leave plenty of room for stopping
Posted speed limits are for ideal conditions such as nice dry pavement
Check the road conditions before you leave home by using 511
Bridge decks freeze first due to the difference in exposure to the air
Don't use cruise control
SLOW DOWN when conditions are bad